Creations many lovers of the fossil record, because to each other constantly "in the fossil record is a lot of 'space' there" mantra over and over again to tell (again, by other yaradılışçılar) öğütlenmiştir: "I 'transitional forms' show!" These "gaps" for evolutionists is an embarrassment to many (but not too) dream of a great pleasure. Let your hands and evolutionary history with an incredible number of documents already (even including a spectacular "intermediate forms" including) the fossils, in fact, any Even if we could find fossils for a very fortunate. ninth and tenth chapters of evolution is noteven a real need to show that the fossils will tell. fosilleşmemiş even if you were a single body, the evidence of evolution would be completely solid.Kazabileceğimiz rich fossil mines that we have literally a "bonus" and more fossils are discovered every day. Most fossil evidence of animal group has enormous power. But in spite of everything, of course there are gaps and spaces yaradılışçılar he hears a love sick.
Come, come benzeşimimize detective back to the scene of crime there is no eye-witnesses. Baronet had been shot. DNA obtained from traces of sweat on the gun, fingerprints, footprints, and a strong motivation, the offender's butler has pointed out. This seems like a case can be solved immediately, thus the court and jury as well as other people seem convinced that the murder committed servant. But the servant is guilty of the decision of each state of destination to take a certain decision of the jury just before leaving the courtroom to a new evidence emerges: the hidden cameras are one of the baronet koydurduğunu remember home against thieves.Everyone is watching the breathless way the camera records. One of the servant opened the drawer of the records, fills out the gun from inside the room and came stealthily expression on his face shows a malignant. This record may consider the case thoroughly turned against the servant. But do not hurry. Cunningly servant defense lawyer, the murder was committed in the hallway leading to the library and the servant's room is remarkable that there are no hidden camera. Pointing a finger in the air waving the lawyers own persuasive. "The camera has a gap in the records! Usak do not know what happened after leaving her room. My client to be convicted without sufficient evidence is so clear."
The prosecutor, in a futile effort, billiards room and a second camera that records the camera draws in the corridor through the open door with a gun in his hand ready at your finger tips along the corridor towards the library shows that draws attention to advancing his servant. The cameras record images to fill the gap is not obvious? Servant is not guilty beyond doubt that evidence? But no. Defense attorney muzafferane, playing the last trump. "But the servant open the door in front of the billiard room, we do not know what happened after that. In this case, the camera records no longer have two spaces. Jürideki dear ladies and gentlemen, I have nothing else. There is little evidence in before the last light of the information against my client."
The fossil record of this crime story is like the hidden cameras, that is, in fact, even the right not to have to wait a "jackpot." Because the servant is already guilty already there and already the jury to find the hidden camera records much more evidence before they occur just before the servant is about to decide what is to blame. Similarly, the evolution is that there is a real, living today and the geographical distributions of species obtained from the comparison studies are much more evidence. Fossils do not even need, the reality of evolution is irrefutable, even without them, the gaps in the fossil record in this case to use it as a complete contradiction kanıtlarmış against evolution. As I said, even are lucky to have fossils.
Against evolution, as well as very strong evidence against a single fossil could be found, but the wrong geographic layer. Did I mention the fourth section. JBSHaldane, refute the theory of evolution itself may be an observation when asked what he yapıştırıvermişti famous response: "Pre-Cambrian period, the fossil rabbits!" Until now, such a rabbit, that is the wrong time period anakronistik not observed in any fossil. We have all the fossils, but not too much so that the number of these fossils, a correct temporal sequence in a single sitting, without exception. Yes, there are gaps in the fossil have no way but this is already is an expected thing. is not seen just before the passing of any fossils of evolution.
This tells us something very real (and this is part of the truth of the theory of creation, there is no reason not to expect). The fourth chapter, I mentioned briefly, as a good theory, although it is available to prove otherwise by anyone of the theory çürütülememiş. Evolution, if a single fossil in the wrong time can easily çürütülebilirdi çıksaydı. Evolution in the air on land, passed the exam. Skeptical of evolution, and that those who want to prove that they are legitimate and desperately anakronistik tırtıklamaları carefully and firmly rocks to find fossils would have to work. Perhaps you find it. Are you allegedly have?
Yaradılışçıların they love the most, the biggest gap, just the previous one by the Cambrian Explosion. A little more than half a billion years ago, the Cambrian period, many important animal class (animal kingdom main sections) in the fossil record, "suddenly" coming out of. All of a sudden saying, referring to the animal groups bulunmadıklarını Kambriyenden no old rocks, splash beliriverdiklerini suddenly he is not: the promise that we cover the process of around 20 million. Twenty million years, half a billion people, compared with the short-coming. But of course, for evolution in that time 20 million years, as today, 20 million years! Anyway, still a relatively instant before an event and as I wrote in my book:
Significant number of important class of animals during the Cambrian period, even if they occur the first time, an already advanced stage of evolution. It, too, and there is no evolutionary dates gibilerdir manually placed. I do not have to tell you, many of these animals suddenly liked yaradılışçıların manifestation.
We understand that last sentence, the Cambrian explosion to love yaradılışçıların durumdaymışım understand. But at that time (1986), they did remove the description carefully, my sentences against me and against their own interests over and over again I'm not smart enough to realize alıntılayacaklarını insidiously.Just out of curiosity on the Internet "and there is almost no hand-held evolutionary gibilerdir put" a statement on the outcome met arattım and 1250. We hypothesized that these results represent the most yaradılışçı cımbızcılarının quoted in a way to control overall, as a comparison, the book "The Blind Watchmaker I tried to call the above sentence immediately following the sentence:" However, every area in the fossil record that evolutionists really believe represents a big gap. " This search result was a total of 63, compared to the previous sentence, the result 1250. 1250 ratio of 19.8 to 63. This index can say that this ratio Cımbızlama.
Before the Cambrian explosion too mention, especially the rainbow detach (Umveaving the Rainbow) in my book. Them here, flat worms (Platyhelmintes) serdiği in front of the eyes add a new point. This branch of a large worm, from a medical point of great importance too, is included in the parasite leeches and tapeworms.However, my most loved ones free-living ciliated worms (Turbellaria) and their type is more than a thousand: and this number is the sum of almost all mammalian species. Some of the ciliated worms, you can see in the picture as these two, has a great beauty. Both the water and on land, they found plenty in common, and most likely are located in a very long time. So you think you will find that a very rich fossil history. Unfortunately, we do not have nearly nothing. Many are not significant except for a handful of trace fossils, fossils found so far in a single flat worms. Platyhelminthes, the worm first emerged for a long time "as an advanced evolutionary stage. It, too, and there is no evolutionary dates gibilerdir manually placed." But this time, "first appeared when the" Cambrian günümüzdür not. Do you understand what that means, or at least what it should come to yaradılışçılar? Yaradılışçılara, according to all other organisms as well as flat worms were created. In this case, exactly equal to the other animals they have time to fossilize happened. The last so many centuries, he boned, leaving thousands of fossils of crustaceans, flat worms, rocks, without a trace of assets, other animals must have lived happily alongside. Well, then, consists of flat space is huge considering the history of worms, animals fosilleşen
Turbellaria - do not have any fossils, but it must have been around for so long
What makes this so special about the blanks records: furthermore, the yaradılışçıların According to the allegations, flat worms with the same length all over the world spend time with others? The space before the Cambrian explosion of many of the animal suddenly emerged during the Cambrian is used as a proof of the same "logic" used to prove that they had found the body yesterday in flat worms. But this, yaradılışçıların, flat worms, along with everything else the same belief that they were there the week of creation reverse falling. You can not have both. This proof, pre-Cambrian fossil record yaradılışçıların to weaken the claim that the evidence for evolution of space was breaking in a lump.
According to the evolutionary view, why so few fossils before the Cambrian period, there? Well, most likely, since periods of flat worms that apply to geographic factors, before the Cambrian animals living in the world of true of all other members. Most likely most of the animals living in today's flat before the Cambrian soft bedenliydi such as worms, as well as in today's relatively small boyutluydular ciliated worms, which is not a good fossil material. Then about half a billion years ago something happened that allow animals fosilleşmelerine easily, for example, built tough and mineral skeletons appeared.
"Gap in the fossil record," formerly the "lost ring", respectively. This question had been very popular with Victorian England and 20th century, was able to stay up.Darwin's theory of the misunderstanding appeared, and today, "Neanderthal" of the word as an insult (but wrongly) used similarly used. Sample citations listed by the Oxford English Dictionary dated 1930, one of, DH Lawrence, his "name, there is a rotten," said a woman who is talking about. , Said the woman continues: "You, you are a mixture of a missing link and chimpanzee."
"Missing Link" promise of the usual first appearance (but not confused at all as I'll explain later), the meaning of Darwin's theory of a ring of people were missing vital implied between other primates. Illuminating examples of the dictionary, a Victorian one, the "missing link" using the word as follows: "I've heard people talk about something called missing link, between the networks of people." Date deniers, until now thought was a sarcastic tone of voice to say hoşlanageldiler always shouts: "But still not found the missing link," and whether he is usually full of Piltdown man throw a stone. Piltdown fraud no one knows who did it, but I needed a lot of questions to answer will be found. The first one of the candidates for the human-ape fossils are fake, not fake a lot of history deniers another excuse for them to ignore the fossil became the head ağrıtmaktan still not give up on this issue. If a baksalardı facts, we share the common ancestor of modern man that connects şempanzeyle'd see a lot of that transitional fossils. Subject to the human side of the branch. Interestingly enough (what a chimp nor human is) the common ancestor yet found a fossil that connects modern chimpanzees. The reason for this perhaps is that chimpanzees live in the forests provide a good environment to fossilize. So if you have one will complain about missing it şempanzelerdir rings, not the people!
In this case, the above-telling, "missing link" is one of the meanings. This "missing link" between human beings and the rest of the world of animals, does that mean the so-called space. This is truly the missing link, softening speaking, now is not lost or something. In this issue, especially in dealing with human fossils will be back in the next section.
"Missing ring" also means the other between the main groups of "transitional forms" of being the so-called insufficient number: for example, reptiles and birds, or fish ikiyaşayışlılar (amphibians) between. "Search forms show!" Evolutionists date deniers okuyuşlarına this challenge to them is usually Archaeopteryx, "m, the" reptiles "and birds, between the famous" intermediate form ", respond by throwing the bones. Just like the show, make it a mistake. The challenge answer must be given to Archaeopteryx, but because There is not even a question worth answering in the middle. Archaeopteryx is famous as the failure of logic here, supports the use of a fossil. Because, for the vast majority of fossils, each one showing in the form of a transition from one thing able to make a good defense. Archaeopteryx appear to be answered with this so-called challenge okuyuş, known as the Great Chain Being based on an obsolete understanding, which is mine, I'm talking about it, read in the section title of the section.
All of these "missing link" on those who are two of the dumbest questions (or they are similar in a lot). First, "If people passing through the frog and the fish they came from apes, then why in the fossil record 'maybağa' no?" Islamist yaradılışçının not an aggressive attitude, he'd ask why I never witnessed timsavuk. And the second is, "I'll believe in evolution when I see a monkey gave birth to human baby." Others have fallen in this last one falls into error, even with the idea of a major evolutionary changes oluverdiği overnight.
Ironically, this logic errors, both the Sunday Times (London) presented a documentary on television telling me about Darwin published an article in the comments in a row at a time beliriveriyor:
Dawkins is ridiculous opinions about religion, because religion itself is an evolution, not more - we all have to believe that it came from a single cell ... and transformed into a monkey or something sümüklüböceğin. Ha, ha, the rose-hell ever heard of this religion!
Joyce, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Dawkins, science can not find the explanation of why the rings have lost. Unfounded science, to believe in God than believing in fairy masalcılığı.
Bob, Las Vegas, USA
This section will deal with these and similar errors in logic and his response to others, because this work will begin an introduction to the aptalından.
"The fossil record does not maybağa Why?" Well, of course, monkeys, frogs because they do not come. Evolutionist ever such a thing no sane timsahlardan chickens or chickens that did not say that or crocodiles. The monkeys and frogs, or monkeys do not look like what a frog, have a common ancestor. Maybe it looked like a horse, and thus we have a little salamander and the salamander-like fossils, which have the correct time period. But this is not the issue. Each of the other millions of species of animals have a common ancestor. If you need to wait to see the evolution of think of comprehension as a maybağa or timsavuk çarpıksa köpekomatezlerin and wildly ironic to find that there must be filpanzelerin. In fact, mammals why restrict yourself to that? Kangarafatma (transitional form between the kangaroo and the black fatma), or ahtaplan (transitional form between the octopus and tiger), how? Why not? Infinite number of animal names to each other in this way yoğurabileceğiniz. Of course not hippos dogs (or dogs, water aygırlarından). Chimpanzees does not elephants, elephants or chimpanzees. Just as monkeys or frogs do not come. Today is a modern kind of any kind other türemedi (if you do not count speciation occurred recently is needed). How to find a fossil that can be considered the common ancestor of frogs and monkeys, elephants and chimpanzees is also possible to find a fossil may be a common ancestor. Here is one of themEomaia, namely the period of early Krestase İÖO million years ago lived in a little bit.
Eomaia As you can see what looks like an elephant nor a chimpanzee. Sivrifareyi resembles, it is probably very similar to their common ancestor, which lived about the same time must have been common atayla. Again you see that, as descendants Eomaia elephant-like ancestor and the same Eomaia chimpanzee-like ancestor of both the process leading up to race, many evolutionary changes have occurred. But no point of Eomaia not a filpanze. Even if you had, because it should have been in a sea köpeğineği a common ancestor with chimpanzees and elephant whatever, it's also the common ancestor of the dog and the sea cow. This ancestor also yerdomusuaygırı should have been, because the same ancestor, the common ancestor of aygırının aardvark with water. Marine köpeğineği (or filpanze, or yerdomusuaygırı or kangurgedan or bufalas-man), the idea is extremely remote and extremely ridiculous evrimsellikten. Likewise, the so ridiculous and a maybağa nüktenin perpetrator of this small, ie, an Austrian traveler preacher John Mackay'ın, schools in England, himself a "geologist" traveling since 2008 to be introduced as (a tour was in 2009) and trips During the innocent children in the fossil record if evolution were true, "maybağalar" is a great disgrace should be taught.
Equally ridiculous is another advocate of the creation of Muslim Harun Yahya 's lavish prepared, adorned with flashy pictures, including a huge book of General Ignorance Atlas of Creation, but the degree of foolishness. It was clear that this book has been cost a fortune to print, among them that I was in the tens of thousands of science be distributed free to think about the situation puts an amazing teacher. Although the book poured huge funds, has become a legend within the errors. Many examples of ancient fossils are indistinguishable from living today in order to show that, if John is a sea serpent "yılanbalığıymış" like (these two animals are different from each other so that, in vertebrates are located in two separate classes), sea star, "fragile yıldızmış such as" (in fact, two different derisidikenli they are a class), a sabellid worm (a type of ring worm) "kri-paranoid sea lily," as (a derisidikenli: let us be of the two comes in different branches, although both animals belong to different sub-worlds, as well as the animal is more if they would be distant relatives, so far from each other, but may have) and finally (also great in all of them), a fish, take an oath "serge fly like" show.
But such partisan gülünçlüklere this matter, in addition to the book there is also a part of the lost rings. One of the images, no transitional form between a fish and a starfish to show that laid the book seriously. The author, starfish and fish so different from each other until the two think of animals being seriously expect a transition between the evolutionists think it is incredible. In this case, I can not help her, addressing the audience recognizes and knowing very well take advantage of ignorance and contempt of their suspect.
"Gave birth to monkey with the HUMAN BABY EVOLUTION I'll believe when I see."
Let me repeat, people did not come from apes. Have a common ancestor with apes. The thing that looks like a monkey the common ancestor must have been a lot of people said to him, and if we tanışabilseydik 25 million years ago, probably used to call him monkey. But although people look at the appearance of an ape ancestor's name takacağımız evrildilerse at any one time a new kind of animal doğuruvermiyor, that is, at least, of a human being is different from chimpanzees, or even a monkey or a little different doğurmuyor degree itself. Evolution is not such a thing. A gradual process of evolution is not only a matter of fact, if something has to be gradual açıklayacaksa. Great leaps in a single generation (ie, the human birth of a monkey, etc.) almost impossible to divine creation, and this idea does not sit exactly the same reasons: as a statistical probability. Reached into a little trouble themselves opposed to the opponents of evolution is the simplest thing to learn the basic principles of how it would be nice also.
"The missing rings" is being illogical on the basis of the claim lies in a medieval myth, the myth that Adam's son's mind until you reach the age of Darwin and Darwin, and then tirelessly kurcalamış confused mind. Everything in the universe, are arranged on a ladder, the top step of God, then the chief of angels, and then various other angels, people, animals, plants, rocks and other inanimate beings finally say that this myth myth Chain Big Asset. This approach, considering that the roots of racism until the times of natural are met, all the same people may not even need to emphasize the care oturmadıklarını. Oh, of course, no! And of course a step above women, men had their own race (which is why I first sentence of this paragraph, "humankind" kullanmaktankendimi keep from comin on the word). However, the idea of evolution düşüverdiğinde stage, water is most likely to turn one thing, the so-called hiyerarşiydi animal kingdom. "Low" animals "higher" animals-all he makes evril very natural to assume that people were coming. If this is true among animals, "ladder" and the top and down until the "links" must have been a chain that is all "rings" like each other, then had to be coming. Many are missing a step ladder is not convincing. "Missing Rings" and many of the doubts that, behind the image of the ladder are basamaksız. But now, for reasons I will tell all of these steps is not a myth, and deeply misunderstood and not evolutionary.
"High-animals" or "lower animals" that we use such expressions, so desperately, to place them effortlessly to one side of evolutionary thought, let alone the fact that they are aware of this thinking is completely contrary to arrive in shock. Chimpanzees is higher animals, earth worms, we know that the lower animals, and the evolution of this information, I always think olageldiğimizi foundation also consider bringing that information becomes even more clear. But it did not happen. In fact, even if it is a meaning drawn from the suspense. Or comes from an understanding, the more different meanings, however, the use of misleading and even harmful.
One monkey's say that you're alive to tell the earth to a higher worm, referring to here is a list of things you might be confusing:
1. "Apes evolved into the earth worms." This is a performance-wrong
, the same people, such as chimpanzees have evolved, to say wrong. The monkeys have a common ancestor, and earth worms.
2. "The common ancestor of monkeys and earth worms, worm looked like a monkey too." OK, that makes sense for more people. Even if you "like ancestors" means "primitive" use the word almost as accurate, because some of the animals living today are primitive obvious than others. But if you think of it actually describes a more primitive version will between the two species, since the common ancestor suffered less change (if you go back enough, no exception, all species have a common ancestor). If you are a remarkable species from one another both is not changed in more "primitive" types of words that should not be used for comparison.
At this stage, the list will be good to draw attention to a point of break. Is difficult to measure the degree of similarity. And in any case, the common ancestors of animals alive today and two more animals to resemble one another there is no necessary reason. Let us take two animals, such as herring and squid to get. There are likely to resemble the common ancestor of one of them is more than the other, but that does not mean we have to look alike. Dallandıklarından ancestor for both the same period of time has passed since, in this case, an evolutionist, if any, the first expectation, any animal living today should not be primitive compared to one another. Since the common ancestor of both türleştiklerinden equally, but from different angles, we expect to be changed. See the work that (as in apes and earth worm), this expectation is often not covered, but there is no reason for karşılanmamasını beldememiz. Moreover, the animals do not evolve at the same speed in different organs. One animal from the waist down may be very primitive, but the waist up and evolved into the advanced level. Kidding aside, one of the more primitive species, a nervous system, while the other may be a more primitive skeleton. Here's the "ancestral-like" used in the sense of "primitive" of the word "simple" (ie less complex), Be particularly careful not mean. Insanınkine leg of a horse than a simple (there are five instead of a single finger, for example), but more primitive human foot (Skip common ancestral same as we had five fingers, so that the horse has been transformed since that time more than us). This brings us to the list-mizdeki another matter.
3. "The monkeys earth worms are smart people [or beautiful, has a larger genome, there is a more complex structure of the body blah blah blah]." This type of zoological züppelikler, create confusion when you try to apply them to science. You talking about here is confused because so many other meanings, it is the best way to resolve this confusion reveal. Animals rütbelendirebileceğiniz can imagine a large number of criteria, the four criteria I mentioned earlier do not have to stay limited. This is one of the top steps of the stairs to the animals, another staircase criteria-may not be top of the steps. Mammals, salamanders have a bigger brain is true, but some salamanders have a smaller genome.
4. "Monkeys are more human than earth worms, in-
similar to you. "earthworm samples, especially in terms of the monkey and it can not be denied. Good at what? Why compare to other organisms that people choose as a standard? angry with this situation is a leech, such as earth worms, leeches resemble more of a virtue that they are great can point to. Great Chain of Being traditionally rank among the people, animals and angels, but the people that evolution is a "targeting" or people who committed "the last word evolution is" the general opinions that would justify an evolutionary perspective there is nothing in the middle. beğenmişçe This assumption itself, how frequently the scene itself is a remarkable situation atıverdiği. into the rough, we hear everywhere, "If chimps evrildilerse us, why do chimps still have around?" sızlanışlarında encounter. that I mentioned earlier and I do not joke. is faced once again with this question over and over again, to be directed by well-educated, sometimes certain people.
5. "Survival in the monkeys [and other 'higher' animal-
s], earth worms, [and other 'lower' animals] is better. "This statement is neither correct nor reasonable. the simplest of all living species managed to survive until the present day. Golden Tamarin monkeys, such as seed, in danger of extinction. In other words, survival of worms in the soil much more wicked. Although many people by the rats and cockroaches, the gorilla in danger of extinction or orangutanlardan more "low," although, üreyebiliyorlar rapidly and abundantly.
Hopefully, today, living creatures, as if "high" or "low" ranking on a ladder, such as saying what we mean belliymiş enough and how much is meaningless if it sufficient to explain evolution-sellikle never did nothing. Stimulate the imagination of many stairs, stairs to sort individual animals sometimes can express something, but the stairs there is a link between the good and none of these stairs, "the evolutionary scale" would be wrong to say. "So why does no maybağa?" There has always been like saying you have seen the vulgar errors düşülebildiğini. But the malignant legacy of Great Chain of Being "transitional forms between the main animal groups, where is it?" the question of feeding, and almost embarrassing to evolutionists, this question from the famous reptiles and birds such as Archaeopteryx fossils, arguing that the major trend is the basis of response. However, Archaeopteryx '\ e There is something about the logic behind the error, but also a very important thing, in this case as an example of Archaeopteryx should I use for the general case and ayırayım a few paragraphs to this issue.
Hayvanbilimciler vertebrates have traditionally divided the classes: the main sections, mammals, birds, reptiles, and have names like ikiyaşayışlı. Some of them called kladist1 hayvanbilimciler, according to the rules of a class by class to be coming from a common ancestor of all animals to be a certain common ancestor and that this be included in the same class as well as any other soybean from him outside of this group should not have a say. Birds of a class of well örnektir.2 all birds, as the bird itself, and now living in sınırlandırılabilecek birds (feathers, wings, beak-like ...) that share key diagnostic characters derived from a single ancestor. Reptiles commonly known as the animals in this sense is not a good class. The reason for this, at least in the traditional classification, this category is significantly outside the birds to leave (the birds are a class of their own), but nevertheless (for example, such as crocodiles and dinosaurs), some of the "reptiles" birds, (eg, such as lizards and turtles), the other "reptiles" is that they are closer than cousins. In this case, "reptiles" is an artificial class, because the birds are artificially excluded from this class. A prescriptive approach, if we wanted to bring reptiles into a class full of natural, birds or reptiles, we would have to be included in this class. Dallara who prefer the classification based on the hayvanbilimciler "reptiles" and the group backed out completely avoid Archosaur'lar (crocodiles, dinosaurs and birds), Lepidosaur'lar (snakes, lizards, and rare in New Zealand, Sphenodon) and Testudin'ler (turtles and tosbağalar ) as a separator. Hayvanbilimciler Dallara-based classification does not prefer the "reptile" is happy to use the word because, although the birds out of the artificial leaves, these thinkers had worked as a descriptive word.
But, speaking in evolutionary terms, only an extension of reptiles, birds, while in fact, to keep us apart meylettiren birds, reptiles is Reason, immediately surrounding the reptiles, birds, ie, their nearest neighbors, tree of life to be extinct, though it would stand alone in birds is that they continued to die off. All of the closest relatives of birds, are among the dinosaurs became extinct a long time ago. If you stayed alive if they were descendants of a wide variety of dinosaurs to birds, reptiles, separate düşmeyebilirdi so remarkable: its vertebrate class, and we would not have raised "between birds and reptiles, where lost rings?" would not be asking such Sofular. Archaeopteryx, a fossil müzenizde store would be nice to still, but today, as we see now is a hollow square on the role of being the star okuyuşa oynayamazdı the answers ready: "Show Transition forms." If the family had been scattered in different exhaustion cards, many dinosaurs around today would be running around, that some of them as they have feathers and beak, and also because their bird denilecekti uçabildiklerinden. And indeed the day does not pass that a new feathered dinosaur fossil discovery, that is, very clearly, it seems, Archaeopteryx \ as a response to our "forms transition Show" is a demand not only the validity.
Come now, evolution, "rings" so-called "missing" hand Let's take one of the main transitions.
Is the missing link? "Lost" he meant what? | 2 Section
At that time, we think fırlatılamadığını rocket into space, leaving the waters to dry land, get out boldly and really hard to imagine a life-changing step. Living space so that these two are different in many respects, from one to almost all parts of the body requires serious changes. Decompose into the air when the oxygen in the water is good for the Gills, but they do not work, the lungs do not work in the water. Water fast, elegant and efficient methods of moving on land, there is a dangerous sakarlığı, subject to the same situation applies to the use of land, water methods. "Like a fish out of water" or "on the Greek calends" statements appeared to be surprised. And of course in these areas "missing rings" also is not surprising to see more interest than normal.
If you go back enough, you'll see that everything you live in the water, all living things, sweet or salty waters mekteplisidir life. At certain points in evolutionary history, many different animal group, entrepreneurial individuals who went from water to land. So much so that sometimes, taking with them their own seas of blood and cell fluid as the heat reached the parched deserts. We see around us, reptiles, birds, mammals and insects, as well as scorpions, insects, slimy, bug, and crustaceans such as land crab, and çıyanlar millipedes, worms, spiders and their relatives, and at least three branches, the womb of life, full of water, land transport was able to fall. Meanwhile, the person already infested land-i alileri etmeselerdi gerçekleşemeyeceği none of the other migrations, the plants should not forget the master of using carbon.
Thankfully, they came out of the fish landed göçümüzün usual stages of transition in the fossil record is documented in a wonderful manner. Much later, the ancestors of whales and dugongların, dry land barely leave their homes whether they have acquired the other direction of migration in the transition stages of ancestral fossil record, the sea has returned. In either case, once there are plenty of missing links and now adorn museums.
"Fish," came the land saying, "fish", "reptiles" to remember not constitute a natural group. The description is a kind of fish exclusion. The fish all the land vertebrates are undisclosed. All of the early evolution of vertebrates occur in the water to survive until today most of the still waters of the branches of the vertebrate is not a surprise. The other "fish" even when they are very distantly related, they are still "fish" call. Trout and tuna, with people, they are more closely related to shark, but they "fish" we say. And the fish and the lungfish sölekantlar, people, and tons of trout fish (shark and, of course) they kuzenlerdir closer, but still, they "fish" we say. In fact, even people from sharks, eel, and (once upon a time in the abundance and variety is the only surviving jawless fish present), parasites are more closely kuzenlerdir balığına belt, but the fish we call them. Ancestors of vertebrates, all of which have never attempted landing "fish" it looks like a fish swims (except dolphins, they swim by bending up and down the spine, such as the fish is not left to right), and I think that, they all taste like fish.
Reptiles and birds, just as we have seen instances, for an evolutionary "natural" in an animal group, all members of each other, groups of animals compared to non-members, a closer cousin of the group. "Birds", just as we have seen, because all the birds in a natural group recently lived in a common ancestor and share a common ancestor that no other animals are not the ancestors of birds do not. Starting the same definition, "fish" and "reptiles" are not natural groups.
All the "fish" the most recent common ancestor lived at the same time, many other non-fish in the ancestor of the animal. If the remote cousins of the sharks itersek aside, we all mammals (unlike sharks have cartilage) of modern bony fishes belong to a group containing the natural. If the bony "ray-finned fish (salmon, trout, tuna fish, angel fish, so you can see, not the shark, almost all fish) itersek an aside, all the land within the current natural group, and in addition to meat omurgalılarını includes finned fishes. Here we are, this meat-finned fishes filizlendik and now houses a stage to show a special interest in flippers.
Meat fins today, declining declining, fish and lungfish-kantlar had it done ("Decrypt" he said, "fish" is decreasing, as are we talking about, because, as they multiplied to a great land: land vertebrates off the path we are actually fish lungfish). Them, "meat fins," it said, because ray-finned fish fins or other similar fish, unlike yüzgeçten very similar to the leg. Indeed, by 1938, the South African fishing vessel is a very resounding sölekantın after the discovery of the first live, all the world has managed to attract the attention of this animal, the South American biologist J.LB. Smith had written about the popular title of the book in the Old Dörtbacaklar'dı sölekantlar: "If I saw a dinosaur walking in the street, even so much surprised." Sölekantlar previously known as the fossil, but it was thought to be extinct lineage since the time of the dinosaurs. Smith, Margaret Latimer explorer by the fish (which Smith gives the name of the fish Latimeria later) when expert opinion is called to report the location of the fish, the eyes in this astonishing moment of discovery and meeting the most impressive first explains:
We went right through the museum. Ms. Latimer had left the building for a short period of time, carers took us inside the room and there it was, yes, Sölekant, my God! Although these have been prepared to surprise even if the first opinion, it struck me, from my heart, I felt a strange hand in my leg and I trembled, my body karıncalandı. I ended up turned to stone such. Yes, I did not have the slightest doubt that this, stamp stamp, kılçığına bones, fin fin was a real Sölekant. As if 200 million years ago, a creature alive again. I forgot everything I looked at him, looked, looked, and finally, accompanied by my wife's silent gaze, a little timidly, and went fishing near the tap and stroked him. Mrs. Latimer came and greeted us cordially way. Speaking of talent, but this soon after and came back to me, I forgot all the words, but just because to them, "yes indeed, indeed, this is a Sölekant unquestioned" to say. Now you could not doubt that I want in.
Sölekantlar us, is much more closely related to other fish. Suffered a little bit to change our ancestral times since his partner, but classified as a fish out of the category of animals come out, on the basis of everyday conversations or in the eyes of a fisherman, not enough. But they are, and pulmonate fish with us, certainly, alabalığa, salmon, tuna and other fish, the majority are more closely related to balığına. Sölekantlar fish and lungfish "living fossils" are examples.
Despite all this, we, or lungfish sölekantlardan not come from fish. Lungfish fish, the fish looks more like us, rather than the lungfish, have a common ancestor. But still, like us, nor what this ancestor looked like fish, lungfish. Lungfish living fossils can fish, but still look like our fathers so. Ancestors search adventure is rolled, the real fossils in the rocks need to search. And in particular, the transition between aquatic fishes and terrestrial vertebrates, the scene of the first interest-space is entering Devonian fossils. Real fossils from the even, literally, even more than their fathers to find the ummamız will be an optimistic approach. However, as to us about how our ancestors looked like something we can hope to find cousins explain closely enough.
One of the most famous gaps in the fossil record (which is sinking in this space so that the eye itself, even given a name in memory of a famous American paleontologist AS Romer'in: "Romer'in Space"), 360 million years until the end of Devonian, Carboniferous, ie early times, the "Coal Layers", dates back about 340 million years ago. After the space Romer'in, creeping swamps ikiyaşayışlıları undisputed, some as big as alligators and crocodiles superficially similar to the salamander-like animals, we find a rich çeşitlenişini. This is a true era of giants, an end to the other end of the length of the wings because the length of my arm near the dragonflies, the largest insects that ever lived at that time. Carboniferous period, 340 million years ago, starting from the age of dinosaurs ikiyaşayışlılar version of the build instructions do not exaggerate. But just before that period had Romer'in gap. And the only thing visible Romer'in balıklardı this space before, flesh-finned fishes living in water. So where was the transition forms and pushing them out of lands to explore what had happened?
During the Oxford undergraduate tuition, although the expression of the long and dry bones rattling off the buxom and their animals away from the world that have the ability to see the struggle of life, thanks to exceptionally knowledgeable, Harold Pusey'in lessons zenginleşmişti imagination. She pushes to develop some of the meat-finned fish, lung and limb to carry out what may have been on the mind (which he also türetmişti ideas Romer'in them) I will never forget the sense of my students came to my ears, and although these ideas are no longer than the time of the modern taşılbilimciler Romer'in between Although still make more sense to me is outdated. Romer and Pusey, lakes and rivers and the pools filled with water, dried and again, but next year, have imagined that years of drought times. Fish in waters they had life, under the threat of impending drought, a shallow lake or a pond, until the next wet season can live in deeper water, dragging, being capable of living on land for a temporary period of time'd see the benefits. According to this view, elderly people, in fact, right back into the water to escape from the dry land did not back this land to use as temporary bridges. Many animals are doing it today.
Romer, an unfortunate way, this idea that the aim of the Devonian period, with a drought period with a preface said. As a result, recent findings as if this assumption is invalid kılınca Romer'in was like the whole theory has become invalid. If, in any case already had been lifted a bit exaggerated idea of this preamble, everything could have been much better. {The Ancestor's Tale, The Story of fathers), as discussed early in the Devonian period, less than you think Romer'in particularly exposed to drought, though, this theory is still running.
Nonetheless, the fossils back to him. "The missing rings", ie, meat-finned fish found in abundance of Devonian seas, and later Carboniferous swamps crawling a little bit to reduce the gap between fixed ikiyaşayış-lılar vague traces of the animals featured, the late Devonian period immediately preceding the Carboniferous slowly beginning to emerge. Side of the gap between the two fish in Canada in 1881, discovered a fossil in the collection have Eusthenopteron. Although the first sketches made on the basis of the fossil fish in resmediyorsa otherwise, that a fish caught and landed on the surface of Eusthenopteron never thought to arise. Nonetheless, 50 million years after him will emerge ikiyaşayışlılarla have many anatomical similarities. These similarities between the skull bones, teeth, and most importantly, have fins. Probably not for the swim-fins to walk

Then, the gap between ikiyaşayışlı side, past 20 million years, we look at the border between the Devonian and Carboniferous, Ichthyostega is experiencing great excitement of the discovery of Greenland in 1932. Cold weather and ice in the meantime do not be thinking the wrong idea. Greenland ekvatordaydı Ichthyostega'mn time. Ichthyostega'nm, based on fossil of the first model was a Swedish paleontologist and 1955te by Erik Jarvik Jarvik hayvanmış him like a living on land, but experts think today portrayed as a more terrestrial. Uppsala university used to be Thurs Jarvik'in the most current drawings made by Ahlberg, although every now and then doing the black stickers, though, depicts Ichthyostega'yı more aquatic. In any case, a giant salamander Ichthyostega'nm looks a lot like a fish and is one of the most characteristic features ikiyaşayışlıların had a flat head. Although the adult forms, even if some do not have fingers, hands and feet at least five fingers on the embryo in contrast to today's dörtayaklıların, Ichthyostega'nm had seven fingers. It seems that the first finger to have more experience than us in the past dörtayaklılar tatmışlardı liberty. Most likely, the processes of embryonic stage, the five fingers of a return to fixed and back was a difficult step. Undoubtedly though, this step is not that hard to turn back. A cat with his finger six or even possible to come across to people. The extra fingers during the development of the embryo is most likely due to a pairing error.
Date of the Devonian and Carboniferous of Greenland to the tropics again with another exciting discovery from the border between the Acanr / ıosrega is. Acanr /? Osrega'nın ikiyaşayışlılar in a paper-like flat
similar to the arms and legs and had fatası dörtayaklılarınkine, but he, too, like today, the five parmaklılıktan standartmış us had gone too far, even Ichthyostega'dan away. Eight parmaklıydı. This provides us with most of the information we have about the scientists, Jenny Clack and Michael Coates of the University of Cambridge, Acanfiıosrega'nın Ichthyostega lived in the water, but in general such as, lungs and legs to have, if the necessity to deal with the land, the conditions indicate that they think can be taken. Meanwhile, a giant copy of the salamander was Acanrftosrega'nın. Going back side of the gap between the two fish, again the late Devonian period
Eusthenopteron from ikiyaşayışlıya more or less similar to fish. But when you see him, he certainly among you mean the fish will come, not salamanders. In this case, similar to the fish Panderichthys ikiyaşayışlıya are faced with a space between the fish-like ikiyaşayışlı Acanthostega. But among them the "missing link" where is it?Neil Shubin and Edward Daeschler'in, including among them, a group of scientists from the University of Pennsylvania set out to find this ring was. Shubin, your inner fish (Your Inner Fish) in his book about human evolution revealed by a series of delightful adventures have taken this as a basis for thinking. Where is the fossil of a team to search for the right place to be entertained on the head, and finally located in Canada's North Pole Division and in full by the time of the late Devonian rocks are carefully selected. Here is where the scientists themselves the way, and zoological treasure chest they find in place. Teak-taalik] Never forget a name. Eskimo language comes from a word meaning large fresh-water fish. Type the name roseae is about which, come to you, sometimes I had to be careful about these tell the story. When I first heard this name and the color section of this book in your hand like the photos of the model on the basis of fossils, first saw the pictures of models, free associations triggered in my mind: Devonian, the "Old Red Sandstone", Devon, who gave his name to his people, the color, the color of Petra ("Time to half the elderly, rose-red colored town "). Unfortunately, that was wrong. Photo rose kırmızısını koyulukta showed exaggerated. This name, for the realization of the Arctic Circle Devoniyenine expedition made a donation in honor of a person in the elected. Shortly after the discovery of Tiktaalik roseae'yi, when I ate lunch with him in Philadelphia, Dr. Show me and I had the privilege of a lifetime in me carry in Daeschler'in zoologist (or perhaps inside the fish) did not find the words to. Light red colored glass looking glasses, a fossil with a straight face looking in atam thought. This idea, although realistic, even if many of these non-fossil encounter with rose-red color, real-time half-year-old ancestors most likely to meet with someone about to go and yaklaşacağım, was one of those moments.
Live with a bloody nose, the nose came by Tiktaalik, possibly threatened by a crocodile edilmişçesine Hop back, because Tiktaalik timsaha looks like a face full.Attached to the lower body of a fish tail and a crocodile head placed on the body of a salamander. Unlike other fish, Tiktaalik had a neck. Çevirebiliyordu your head.Tiktaalik, perfect in every respect a "lost ring", is perfect, because the fish is at ikiyaşayışlıların two separated and lost or something, because now is not perfect. The fossil in our hands. Can you see it, you can tap it, but it might not be able to try to imagine how much that old.
Sudan landing, every area of life, from reproduction to breathe again triggered the process of designing: a journey in this amazing space biology. Still, almost playful pliably a steep, perfectly serious number of ways, some animals returned to the land, and water back to the hard left barely earned edevatlarını flocked terrestrial instrument. Seals and sea lions made half a turn, that the two whales and dugonglara us along the way to the very long intermediate forms that show what you actually look like. Whales (dolphins, including the name of our little Sizes) and with close cousins manatiler dugonglar, always living with the land of their ancestors is far from being completely abandon the lifestyle of the returned shipping. Yaklaşmıyorlar to reproduce even the coast. But I still breathe, breathing, because a structure equivalent to the old shipping dedelerindeki geliştirmediler gills. Land and water, at least occasionally, even if returning to the lake among other animals, snails, water spiders, water bugs, alligators, otters, sea snakes, water sivrifareleri, Galapagos'un flightless cormorants, iguanas Galapagos'un shipping, yapoklar (South America from the aquatic mammal is a marsupial), ornitorenkler, there are penguins and turtles.
Whales can not be solved for a long time a bilmeceydi, highly enriched our knowledge of the evolution of the whale, but in recent years. Molecular genetic evidence shows that our closest living relatives of whales, hippos, pigs and ruminant animals, and finally (to understand the molecular genetic evidence, see Section 10). Even more astonishing is, according to the molecular evidence suaygırlarının, whales, and their apparently more like double-hoofed (such as pigs and ruminants) is more closely related to animals. This situation may arise cousins the proximity and the similarity in physical appearance is another example of the wrong pairing. Above this issue, we are talking about the fish I've talked with other fish as they are closer than cousins. He abnormal condition, leaving the waters of our soyumuzun being out of the land, so get the closest cousins in the evolution of stream fish and lungfish sölekantları, in fact more similar than distant cousins of the fish left in a state due to the fact that, because I had water all together. Now we are faced with the same hadiseyle, but in reverse this time. Hippos were partly on land, so distant cousins still living on land, so they look like ruminants, however, closer cousins, whales, sea exchanged so many inputs and that the hippos out of the relationship with molecular geneticists all escaped through the eyes of biologists. Gravity begins to filter through to get rid of the ancestors of whales and their dry land connecting the burden of restrictive shackles kırdıklarında, this is exactly the opposite direction to the journey of fish as well as the land of their ancestors, or at least fly into space as if it was like to fly a zeppelin fired.
Meanwhile, the whale of a time evolution of the fossil record is very scarce, especially in Pakistan, "define" has doluvermiş thanks to a convincing manner. Fakat balina fosillerinin hikâyesi yakınlarda çıkan başka kitaplarda, mesela Donald Prothero'nun Evrim: Fosiller Neler Söylüyor ve Bu Neden Önemli (Evolution: \Vhat the Fossils Say and Why it Matters) kitabında ve daha yakın tarihlerde Jerry Coyne'nin Evrim Neden Doğrudur (Why Evolution is True) ki-
tabında processed so good that I decided to anlatmamaya the details here. Instead, I bought the book Prothero'nun, a scheme with the fossil sequences showing on the schedule (above), we limited. "Please note that the chart is drawn, how it özenlice. Fossil sequences, as did most of the time the old books, old to young to draw arrows showing there is an attractive addition. But no one, for example, Amfau / ocerus' s Pakicetus can not say that. Or Basilosaurus Rodhocetus'tân came. instead of doing it, this scheme is more cautious way of example, whale watching and Ambu / ocerus' s suggests that a more contemporary cousin, the cousin that Ambulocetus'a probably more like (or perhaps even himself in Ambulocetus ). representatives of various stages of the evolution of whale fossils are shown in the diagram. gradual disappearance of the rear legs, the front limbs to swim flippers transformation of walking legs and tail like balinadaki yassılaşması changes that occurred during one of these stylish steps.
I have to say about the history of fossil whales, because it tells a beautiful books I have mentioned this issue. Less numbers and varieties of whales, but at least one other of the aquatic marine mammal group, the sea cows (Sirenia) (dugonglarve manatiler) is documented in the fossil record is not that good, but the extraordinary beauty of a "missing link" discovered recently. The Jamaican 'walking manatee "fossil, Pezosiren, roughly the Eocene" walking whale "Ambulocetus'la contemporary.Fins instead of the front leg, rear leg is not at all unlike the sea cow, its alright for walking out of the front and rear legs have a ma-nati dugonga or very similar. Dugong skeleton of a living today in the picture above, below, shows Pezosiren.
Among them many important molecular evidence, including evidence to be confirmed, as have relatives suaygırlarıyla whales, sea cows, elephants and relatives also. Pezosiren However, most likely, like a hippo spent most of her time in the water to swim at the same time using his feet to walk and lived in the bottom of the water. Ineğininki a sea of doubt as to the skull. Manatilerinin and may not be the ancestor of today's Pezosiren dugonglarının basis, but absolutely perfect for this role.
This book is about to enter the pressure, Nature magazine, in Canada and the North Polar region (the entire 'pinipedler' is called) modern seals, sea lions and the cavity filled morsların ancestors came exciting news of a new fossil. Darwini'nm Puijila approximately 65 percent of the skeleton is preserved in a single, (about 20 million years ago) was the time of the early Miocene. This is actually a relatively recent date, so that, at that time was the same bugünküyle world map. As a result, seal / sea lion (then still ayrılmamışlardı two species), one of the first forms of this animal, living in the North Pole in a cold water sakiniydi. The evidence he lived in fresh water is not salty (unlike all the other seals, seals, such as Lake Baikal), and points to a diet of fish. California's famous samurların just like all non-otters. . .Puijila'mn webbed feet but had had no fins. Most likely, (unlike today's pinipedlerinin) on land, but most of her time was running like a dog, however, two swimming style adopted today aslanlarının unlike seals or sea to swim like a dog, and passing water. Puijila, piniped ancestry is a great way fills the gap between landlocked water. He is increasingly surging, now is not lost 'rings' is another delicious add to our list we do.
I want to mention another group of animals returned to land and water, now: this is a particularly intriguing example because some of these animals then re-reverse the process and the land turned out than they did a second! Sea turtles, whales and dugonglarla compared to water because it gave them less than the beaches to lay their eggs still. All vertebrates, such as returning to water, the air breathing turtles are not given up, but this issue is already ahead of some of the whales. These turtles, lots of blood vessels feeding the back end of their bodies a couple of days in the water chamber and the use of oxygen in addition to separating. In fact, a large amount of oxygen in need of an Australian river turtle breathing gets poposundan.
Before going further forward, a point of terminology related to human fatigue and George Bernard Shaw's "two countries divided by a common language of England and America," he can not help a sad but true observation. Sea turtles live in the UK, tosbağalar live on land and water turtles live in fresh or salt water. America, regardless of whether they live in water or on land, all these animals, the name "turtle." "Black turtle" It sounds weird to say, but as a subset of land-dwelling turtles tosbağaları odd Americans who heard one. Some Americans are "tortoise" word, the scientific name of the current land tosbağalarının Testudinidae'ye addressed to the limited taxonomic use in a sense. But we in Britain, whether or not a member of Testudinidae'nin, in the turtle (kelonyen) to any terrestrial animal, tortoise say (as we shall see shortly after that, but it lived on land Testudinidae'nin not members of the "tortoise" There are fossils). From this point on, Britain and America (and still is different from use in Australia), taking into account the readers will try to avoid this confusion, but it will not be easy. Simply Soft, chaotic terminology. We talk about the English-speaking version of the fetus which, hayvanbilimciler these animals, ie, turtle, tortoise and turtles for the whole "kelonyen" using the word.
Kelonyenlerin immediately striking out the first feature of the shell. How was the intermediate forms evolved and how this shell? Lost rings where is it? Yaradılışçı like a partisan to ask, what is the benefit of a half shell? Well, no wonder business, but pretty much answered this question a lot recently described a new fossil is. This is not to deliver the book to publishers, just before the output stage yapıverdi in the journal Nature. This is China in the late Triassic sediments of aquatic kaplumbağaydı and age was estimated at 220 million years. Name Odontoc-helys semitestacea'dır, which unlike the name of his current turtle and tosbağaların, teeth, and even can have even half a shell. At the same time, much longer than today's turtle or tosbağalarına had a tail. These three features her major "missing link" is not material. Abdomen, called a plastron, and a modern marine shell was covered with a similar kaplumbağasınınkine. But the back part of the crust lacked known as the carapace. Animal's back, possibly as a kertenkeleninki soft, but towards the middle of the body on the spine, such as a timsahtaki hard, bony parts are there, and the ribs, almost to throw the seeds of an evolutionary karapaksın yassılaşmıştı çalışırcasına.
Here is an interesting debate emerges. Odontochelys "\ to the world announcing the authors, Li, Wu, Rieppel, Wang and Zhao (although Rieppel, but not Chinese, Chinese writers to make it easy as they talk about) the animal's shell is believed to have completed half of the process. But others Odontochelys'in , oppose the claim of the shell shown in the water evolved. Nature magazine, authors bring together experts from outside the letter of the week to write a comment about the most interesting articles such as ensuring there is a tradition of admiration duyulası. these comments, "News and Views" corner of the publishing. "News and Opinions "on the corner of the article published in the comments Odontochelys, a Canadian biologist, Robert Reisz and two were written by Jason Head to the subject, and they brought an alternative explanation. Perhaps the whole crust, Odontochelys'in back into the water before returning to their ancestors, had already evolved on land. And perhaps After returning to the water lost Odontochelys karapaksını. Reisz and some sea turtles living today in the Head, for example, as well as leather-skinned sea kaplumbağasında, or that they are totally devoid of the carapace, or point out that this structure is reduced considerably, so their theory seems very plausible.
Here, on the half shell to the benefit of a what? " The question I want to open a small parenthesis. If we ask for more detail, but his back zırhsızdı Odontochelys'in had armor in the heart of why? Perhaps the danger is coming from the bottom, which may indicate that the creatures spend most of the time by swimming near the surface, of course, not necessarily at the surface to breathe geleceklerdi already. Nowadays, living sharks usually attack from below passes. Odontochelys'in dangerous world of sharks must have been an important part of the habit of hunting sharks, and then there is no reason to think that today was different. In parallel, the evolution of a fish species called Bathylychnops one of the most amazing achievements in the future fighter attacks from below and to determine the most likely for an extra pair of eyes. Diğernormal fish, as in the real eyes looking outward. But the two main eye of the eye to the bottom that looks like a compressed, the eye lens and retinasıyla alright, a little extra have a look. If Bathylychnops, future attacks most likely to spy on the bottom, an extra pair of eye trouble katlanıyorsa magnification (meaning what you say you understand, sophistry taslamayın), Odontochelys'in have developed an armor to fend off attacks from the same direction also seems quite reasonable. That makes sense to have Ron plast. And if you say that, right back, but why not also the owner of a carapace, or to be safe for people you know, the answer is easy. Shells and hantallaştırıcıdır heavy, expensive to move to create the shell. There is always a tradeoff in evolution. Tosbağaları Kelly is concerned, this tradeoff is at the bottom and the top since the imposing and heavy armor. Most sea turtle at the bottom when it comes to a tough tradeoff plast-ron, üstteyse light armor in favor. And Odonroc / IE / ys' in this fashion, it takes a little bit further to say that a logical proposition.
However, if Chinese authors Odontochelys'in all the way evolution is to be the owner of a shell and the shell evolved in water on the right, this idea is more well-developed shells in the direction of a modern land turtles, aquatic turtles will come. This, then, as we will at least probably true. But this is really a remarkable idea, because the current land turtles from water to land means that they represent a second migration. So far, no one whale, or dugongların, the land returned after the claim has not invade the waters. In the other story told about the land turtles and their shells all the land they live independently, in parallel with aquatic cousins, evolved. This is certainly not impossible, but the situation is that the land turtles, sea turtles return to the land turned into a second time really to believe that there is a very good sebeplerimiz.
If, based on molecular and other comparison tools, remove all the modern turtle and tosbağaların family tree, you'll see that almost all the branches of aquatic (diagram koyurenkle unwritten ones). Land turtles represents a dark-colored paper and black turtles as you can see today, between the buried branches Testudinidae called and rich aquatic kelonyen only constitute a branch. Close cousins all live in the water. Modern land turtles, aquatic turtles all the branches of a bush composed of a thin branch. Aquatic ancestors back to land. In this case, the shell of a creature such as water Odontochelys evolved with the hypothesis that fit within the. But now we have another serious challenge ahead of us. If you look at your family tree, Testudinidae'ye (all modern tosbağalara) in addition to a whole shell of the animals two by Proganochelys1 and Palaeochersis'll notice that the fossil genus. Both of these groups are living on land, as drawn, the next paragraph will discuss the reasons for it. Bulunuyorlar aquatic turtles just outside the branch representing. These two species almost seems like ancient karasallar.
These two fossils, the oldest known bone-lonyenlerdi Odontochelys explored before. Odontochelys such, but about 15 million years after him, had lived during the Triassic. Some experts portray them as creatures living in fresh water, but recently acquired information, the chart also shows a dark-colored papers to determine their place as surely land.Fossil animals, particularly some body parts were found only on land or water, we understand you may wonder how to live. Sometimes it is quite clear. The fins and streamlined bodies ihtiyozorlar, sürüngenlerdi dinosaurs lived in the same age. A life like dolphins, like dolphins and put the fossils in water for sure. Turtles and tosbağalar In the case of an inference can be comfortable that this is not so much. As you might guess, the biggest clue legs. Such as shovels are used for swimming legs, the legs are used to walk quite different. Jacques Gauthier of Yale University, Walter Joyce and took it very clear and simple, and it supports the idea put forward figures. Living in a kelonyen seventy species were measured in three main bones of the arm and hand. Simply enter the details of their calculations bastıracağım perfect, but the result was very clear on arrival. This fossil animals had legs for walking, shovel-shaped fins, not legs. In other words, based on usage in the UK, "tosbağaydılar", "turtle" is not. They lived on land. Modern tosbağaların kuzenleriydiler away.
It also faced a problem. If you believe Odontochelys'i such as introducing the article, the authors, their half-shelled fossil shows the shell evolved in water, it was 15 million years later, fully terrestrial crustaceans and "tosbağalardan" will explain how a two-denominated? Odontochelys'in to the discovery, Proganochelys and turn back into the water before Palaeochersis'in kelonyenle-R's ancestors lived on land would not hesitate to say that. Shell evolved on land. Some of the same shell tosbağalar seals, whales and dugongla-tion will then, as the waters returned back. Others had been in the land had become, or not. And then again, some sea turtles, and they arrived on land, had become the ancestor of all modern tosbağaların. Would say this thing - in fact even before the announcement of Odontochelys'in when I wrote the first draft of this section, this was exactly what I said. But all the speculation Odontochelys taking back the pot boiling. We now have, each equally interesting, there are three possibilities.
1. Proganochelys and Palaeochersis previously Odontochelys'in among the ancestors of terrestrial animals, including some survivors may have sent representatives into the water. This hypothesis evolved on land, at an early stage of the shell and continue to have Odontochelys'in karapaksını plastrona says that the water lost.2. As stated by Chinese writers shell, abdomen first, then back on the plast-ron may have evolved over the water by the emergence of karapaksın.Odontochelys half-shell-bar with information regarding this case occurred after the waters of the pro-life, take Palaeochersis'i ganochelys and what do we do?And may have evolved independently Proganochelys Palaeochersis'in shell. But there's another possibility:
3. Took place before the land and waters Proganochelys Palaeochersis actually may represent a re-turn. This is an exciting idea with you, not very scary?
Currently, the output of an evolutionary dilemma land turtles that were able to make ourselves quite confident about the extraordinary true: black "tosbağalarının" an early version of their ancestors before the fish returned to the aquatic environment, which was the sea turtle, and then landed again, the land re-incarnation was tosbağaları We gave them the name of Testudinidae. Here's what we know so much, or had, almost sure. But now, this reduplication dual faced for allegedly occurred two times. Tosbağaları only to reveal a modern, not too much earlier, and Palaeochersis'i Proganochelys to bring about in the Tri-age.
DNA from another book, "The Book of the Dead Genetics" he said. In humans, natural selection because of the style of operation, a written description of an animal's DNA is a sense of his ancestors made the worlds natural elected. One of the dead fish, the genetic instructions to describe ancestral seas. And for most of our mammals, the first chapters of the book passes through the sea, on land next sections. Whales, dugonglar, shipping iguanas, penguins, seals, sea lions and turtles, the third is a section in the book and return to the epic tells the story of their distant pasts field experience. But for black tosbağaları, perhaps independently of each other, also not very distant intervals, two separate times, to land again, and the last time (I wonder does really last?) Output has a section devoted to this book, the fourth. Post pages of the book again and again I wonder evolutionary genetics of the dead is full of U-dönüşleriyle Is there such an animal to another? I do not tell Giderayak happens, close cousins of black tosbağalarının the following forms of fresh water and salt water ("terrapinler"), the subject can not help wondering. Could the ancestors of sweet water seas, and finally you went straight into the other salt water? Intermediate stages of transition to the land from the sea Do you represent?Or the ancestors of modern land tosbağaları water returning once again to be another possible? Was this evolutionary process, water is coming back and forth between Kelonyenler decisions? Parts of the book again, this post may be more numerous than we thought?
May 19, 2009, I corrected edition of this book at the time trial, broadcast on the Internet in a scientific journal PLoS One, an ape-like primate primatla between a lemur-like "a lost ring" announced. Name Darwinius masillae 47 million years ago, this creature is now in Germany lived in a rain forest. By the authors of this fossil primate fossil ever found is claimed to be the most complete: not only the bones, skin, hair, and eat the last meal at some içorganları preserved. Narrow-winius masillae'n'm how nice that there's no doubt, but to think about the subject that prevents a clear wave appeared in an ad. Sky (Vevvs'e, according to the fossil, "Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, finally confirming that" the eighth wonder of the world "imiş. Tearing me good health!" Missing ring "nonsense mystery, the power seems to lose nothing.
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